Private Music Lessons
To promote students’ musical education and enjoyment of music, the College offers a private instrumental tuition program. This program is conducted at and
administered by the College and includes a variety of opportunities for a student to participate in solo and group performances. A group of qualified and talented instrumental tutors offer their services through the College. Students also have the opportunity, and are encouraged, to further their instrumental studies through external music examinations (AMEB, GUILD, TRINITY etc.). The fee for these exams, associated costs of piano accompaniment and sheet music purchases is not included in the music tuition account. Tuition is available for a wide range of instruments on a fee-paying basis, as set out below.
Lessons are given weekly and occur during the normal school day. The rotation of the school timetable means that students will seldom miss half-an-hour of the same subject to attend their music lesson. Music lesson times can be negotiated to occur either before school, after school or during recess and lunchtimes. Likewise, music lessons can be negotiated such that a student does not miss one or more particular subject/s. When taking lessons it is up to the student to purchase their own lesson books – Standard of Excellence (red, blue and green).
If you have any questions regarding musical activities at the school, please contact the Cultural Leader.
School Music Activities
It is an expectation that all music students participate in school ensembles and music making activities. This encourages further musical development of the students beyond their normal lessons and gives opportunities for performance. Students will be placed into an ensemble suitable to their instrument and standard. Opportunities may exist to join or audition for further ensembles. This is strongly encouraged.
Music Co-curricular Groups

The musical experience of instrumental/vocal lessons is best developed when working in conjunction with rehearsal and performance of music pieces in an ensemble group. As such, lesson and ensembles membership work together to provide a balanced and guided education in music.
Concepts and techniques introduced in lessons are applied in the ensemble setting. Ensemble parts perfected at an individual level in lessons are then brought together to create the whole through the ensemble.
All students who undertake lessons are encouraged to join one or more of the College’s ensembles, as advised by their instrumental music teacher in relation to readiness and potential. For most music students, the ‘step up’ to ensemble membership is eagerly sought, and once obtained is something they treasure due to the music challenges presented, the camaraderie of working closely with their peers, and the opportunity for recognition of their skills through a variety of performances. The College provides a
range of ensemble opportunities including:

Concert Band | College Voices | Guitar Ensemble | Saxophone Ensemble |
Rock Band | Senior Vocal Ensemble | Percussion Ensemble | Clarinet Ensemble |
Brass Ensemble | Chamber Group | Marching Band | Drum Line |
Mixed Woodwind Ensemble | Liturgy Band | Recorder Ensemble | Jass Band |
School and Community Performances
All students involved in the music program at St Columban’s are encouraged to participate in a variety of performance opportunities. These opportunities showcase the development of personal and ensemble music skills include:
School services such as ANZAC Day, assemblies, awards nights, Arts Gala, Liturgies 
School events such as the St Columban’s Open Day
Formal competitions such as the Villanova – Catholic Schools Music Festival, STC Concert Band and Ensemble Spectacular, STC Vocalise
Formal examinations through official organisations such as AMEB, Trinity and Guild
College recital evenings to provide parents an intimate showcase of each teacher’s student group
Community events
End of Term Concert
Music Camp/ Intensive workshop days. © Brisbane Catholic Education, St Columban's College (2023)
Instrumental Enrolment Form.pdf